For the first meeting of 2020, we have Gilles Bisson who had to cancel in November.
The January 7th date gives everyone time to recover from the Holiday activities and get ready for another exciting year at the Brighton Photo Group.
Gilles took up photography seriously after retirement and is a member and contributor to many local area clubs. He attributes his growth as a photographer to club participation … interacting with other club members, participating in club activities and trying to improve by practicing on a continuous basis….. ie..learning from his mistakes.
“Photography is my excuse to go out and enjoy nature” … “it’s a never ending work in progress”.
At the November Meeting Gilles will present: Black and White Images – A different medium to appreciate our photography.
Gilles will focus on how to identify images that have a good chance of converting well to B&W with some tips on successfully converting images. He will go through some of the photos that he has converted …with a few technical issues thrown in.
The Theme for this meeting is “Times Gone By” and you are invited to upload to the Theme Gallery of bring a print in for positive critique by one of our esteemed judges.
To submit to the member’s slideshow, send images size maximum 1MB to Ron Viscosis A maximum of 5 images is suggested.
After Tim’s excellent presentation, we should all know how to limit the image size and put our names on the images.
At the last meeting the 2020 executive was elected
- Chair Joe Leduc
- Vice Chair John Zefara
- Past Chair Marie Mitchell
- Treasurer Harry Kranenburg
- Secretary Sandy Wharry
So enjoy the Holidays and see you all in the NEW YEAR.