1. Unfortunately, our previously scheduled speaker is unavailable for this meeting. Club members, Clint and Susan Guy have stepped up to share their adventures from the past spring/summer. Their presentation will be broken into three parts:
Travels in India
Close Encounters with Wildlife
How to Paint Your Photos.
2.`. After the break, Marie will make a presentation to the Municpality of Brighton
3. Following the break, Ron Visockis will show the members’ slide show. Members are encouraged to submit up to five images in jpeg format of 500-700 kb size to Ron at rvtrains@gmail.com
4. Our theme for January is “Winter” . Although print displays are encouraged, you may also submit your theme images in digital format. Instructions for uploading will follow separately by email.
5. Coffee, Tea, and goodies will be available at the break. Please lug your own mug. Break refreshments are only a loonie—– cheaper than half a medium TH….