January 2017 Meeting Wrap-up

The first meeting of 2017 started with a smaller, but enthusiastic group of 26
members. Tim welcomed all present and led the announcements/discussion on
various activities:

• The Royal Ontario Museum is featuring a wildlife photography exhibition until
March 19, 2017.
• In February, there will be a field trip to Amherst Island. The majority
elected to take a guided tour with a naturalist (hopefully guaranteeing owl
sightings). Marie will co-ordinate the details. Watch the website for details.
• Mike spoke briefly on the website. The member galleries are not running
properly yet, but everything is functioning well. Members were reminded that the
password “lighthouse” is required to upload photos to the monthly theme
• There is a mixed media display, including photography, at Victoria Hall in
Cobourg until January 16.

The meeting format was changed to do the theme critiques first while technical
difficulties were sorted out.  This month’s theme was “Black and White.” Members
displayed 15 theme photos, 8 general for critique, 6 from field trips, and 12 in
the “others” category.  The variety of photos displayed was quite extensive,
demonstrating the talent of the members. Mike conducted the critique and
discussed photos in a “teaching” style by emphasizing principles such as shape,
texture, tone, dynamic range, exposure compensation, cropping, and centre of
interest. The exchange of information suggested this was a very worthwhile
critique session.

Meanwhile, David Lawler came to the rescue and went home to pick up his Windows
laptop, which sorted out the technical issues. (Take heed all of us Mac users….
Not for the platform but for the connectivity in the room). After refreshments
served by Marilyn Pickel, Gilles Bisson gave an informative presentation on
Black and White photography along with the conversion process from colour: shoot
in colour in Raw and convert in post processing, using filtration to achieve
desired effects. It was regrettable that the tech difficulties prevented a more
in depth presentation of the actual conversion process in Lightroom. He
complemented his presentation with two short slide shows.  For more examples of
his work, visit his web site: www.gbissonphotography.com

The December 50/50 winner of $18.00 was Sam McKinnel.  The winner of $14.00
today was Tim Whitehouse.

The theme for February is Shadows.    Happy Shooting!!

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