Hello Everyone:
Our next meeting date: Tuesday, March 7th, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Location: King Edward Park Community Centre, 75 Elizabeth St., Brighton
Parking at the back of the building
Our February meeting was cancelled because of imminent freezing rain; therefore, our March meeting will be an assortment of items, as Lewis Parker will outline at the introduction.
The Brighton Digital Archives
will discuss the participation of the Brighton Photo Group in the former’s efforts to assemble a record of area barns. A number of barns have been destroyed lately by fire or decay, and the Archives wish to create a permanent record of the historical aspect of Brighton Township.
Depth of Field Presentation – Tim Whitehouse
The BPG Website Explained – Mike Gaudaur
A Questions & Answer Period by Ron Visockis & Tim Whitehouse had been planned for March. Due to last month’s cancellation this was not relayed to the membership — if anyone has a question regarding photography, equipment, papers, printing, etc., please present them in writing to Ron or Tim. (Depending on time to be expanded in the future)
Monitor/screen calibration will be examined by Bill Murtha and Harry Kranenburg
Field trip slide shows. Please bring 3–5 pictures on a memory stick- attach your name- and David Lawler will assemble for future showing.
Tips & Tricks – by Ron Visockis is always an interesting subject — time permitting.
DIY Equipment – Clint Guy & Harry Kranenburg — time permitting.
We hope to be ‘on track’ (sorry, Ron) very soon again, as more members participate.
After the break, pictures to the theme ‘Food for Thought’ should be an interesting subject.
The theme for April will be Guess What?
Camera and lens maintenance will be done again in May by Douglas Banks.
We will start taking names and $$. Only $20 per camera, $10 per lens.