Our May meeting will include the member’s equipment sale, which will be on going from start to finish. Bring your unused stuff: you know, the things you absolutely needed to have and haven’t used since you opened the box. You can sell it, barter for it, or swap for other neat stuff.
The program will consist of a number of member presentations:
Bill Murtha Barns
David Lawler Compact Cameras
Ron Viscockis I Love Paris
Mike Jones Water Lilies
Lewis Parker Wild Flowers
After the coffee break and announcements we will:
Present the members slide show
Do a print appraisal of this month’s theme “From a Different View”
Doug Banks Equipment Cleaning. Doug Banks will be present to clean your camera ($20.00 or lenses for $10.00) If you haven’t already done so, email Marie Mitchell at mitchellmm5@hotmail.com
Guidelines for members slide show: Maximum of 5 images in jpeg format sized to 500-600 kb. Send to rvtrains@gmail.com