This month the Club welcomes Leslie Abram as our guest speaker.
“Secret lives of small creatures in your garden”
Leslie is a naturalist, environmental advocate, teacher, and photographer who lives north of Brighton, Ontario. Leslie’s goal with her photography is to ignite people’s curiosity about the amazing living things that share our earth. Ultimately, she hopes to encourage people to get outside, look closely, and reconnect with nature. She has had a keen curiosity about the natural world since she was young- and still wants to learn everything about each little creature she finds. She has built an extensive wildlife
garden on her property to encourage critters to come to her. Leslie shares her discoveries about the natural world in her blog entitled “Wildlife of Eastern Ontario” found at Here, she uses photos and stories to teach about everything from predatory insects, to owl pellets, to butterfly gardens. She also serves as a regular guest blogger for Nature Canada.
Leslie won the Canadian Wildlife Federation Reflections of Nature Photo Contest in the “flora” category for one of her water drop flower photos. Her photo was one of 10 featured at Canadian Wildlife Federation’s “Wild Art” Exhibitions in Vancouver and Ottawa.
“Look closely. You never know what you might find.”
Leslie is an amazing photographer and speaker who has previously enchanted the Club wit a presentation on her technique for water droplet photography and this promises to be a great meeting.
Please note that membership renewals are due at this meeting. Dues are $35 per member.
After the break it is the turn of the club members to participate.
Send images to Ron Viscosis for him to create a member’s slideshow. Ron’s email address is
The monthly theme for critique is “Deserted”. Members can participate by bringing a print for display or by uploading an image using the upload monthly theme image button on the Homepage.
Each member should submit only 1 theme image for critique either by print or by uploading. Additional images can be placed on the other boards for critique.
Remember to bring a coffee mug for coffee during the break.